Dawnload Norton Antivirus

Day offer you one of the most famous Ante virus programs around the world today criticize you Norton antivirus software latest version which is considered one of the most popular anti-virus programs and the most famous around the world, where he was able to be a strong contender in the top combating common viruses around the world programs such as antivirus liked The Avira Antivirus and Kaspersky and other famous protection programs around the world.

Brief speech that Norton best protection programs in the world and be the program features more than other programs specializing in protection

Here Norton AntiVirus program features:
Performance: The software is easy to use and contains more than 40 languages ​​on top of the Arabic language.
Contains a very powerful scanner protects your computer from viruses and can hunt for viruses and eliminate them feature
Containing wall Automated Fire wall which property will ensure that you protect your computer from viruses and files mined and spyware while you are online and while disconnected from the Internet and during Alaatsal with a local network guarantee you not to leak information and spread among the participants have on the internet.
Sonar technology feature: Norton antivirus program that uses sonar technology to search for viruses and detection of very great accuracy which ensures you to eliminate them.
Protect your computer from mined files, spyware and viruses from Alajtmaah famous networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter and Anstjeram called Facebook wall to protect that property which ensures you to prevent intrusion into your account on the social networking sites.


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